Saturday, September 02, 2006

Full, Still Awake...and it's Sunday!

I have a date with my bed so I expect to sleep for like 10 hours when I get home.

On Monday, I'll be meeting up with my EK buddies. Honestly speaking, I miss the PEOPLE. Not the job. Let's just say I don't get paid to attain physical pain...not to mention emotional baggages.

Xmas party 2005 EK style

Before the party: I miss that bod of mine hehe

The gurls (Emzie, May, Kate, Joy) with our beloved Sir Franco

Park Relations Officers reunited with our beloved Shaider (Sir FAJ)

I haven't got the pictures with Garri Pooh and Gerard Eeyore. Still have them on my phone and was too lazy to transfer it to my PC.

Anyway, I've been pigging out as we speak. And frankly, I'm gaining Been considering the idea of feasting on green leafy food. Somehow, it involves chicken (I'm gonna need a year supply of anti-histamine)

Jeffrey, my HS friend once brought up to me that one friend of ours, Pearl, wanted a reunion. Hmmm... good idea! But, do we actually have the time?

I definitely miss going out with them. Ofcourse I enjoy going out with anyone I have good vibes with. But a reunion is a major thing.

Another thing is visiting my friends at the university. I've been promising them and for the first time, I actually broke a promise. I promised to spend the night with them but turns out, I'm stuck with work (which I actually enjoy). Maybe if I miss them so much, I'm gonna be enjoying seeing them again.

With Gen going to our salon moment


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