Another Saturday
I'm getting used to going to work on Saturdays. But I'm actually giving up my nightlife that's for sure. Or generally my social life. Sure, I'm still single and very out in the market, but that doesn't stop me from doing anything I want. And basically I'm taking it slow with my chapter in life.
Hmmm... nothing much has changed. I'm here at the office praying that the file for transmittal comes in before 5:30pm. I have my day planned out. At the end of office hours, I'm gonna drop by Joyce's place here in Makati. It's the eve of her birthday so she got us to come to her place she stays in with some of he officemates at accenture. Good thing I went home really early yesterday. I was 24 hours up. Thanks to coffee and junk foods, I'm still like some junkie haha. When I got home, I went straight to bed and woke up at around 6am the next day.
By the way, Mom's staying put here permanently. I haven't got to bond with her unlike last May when I resigned from Enchanted Kingdom and went to Davao with her. I plan on making it up with her when my work schedule has been normalized. Meaning, I'm holding my time frame haha.

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