Let's just say that I missed being at home the whole day on a Saturday. I'll just go to the mall with friends for coffee and a movie or just rent as many DVD's as I can to watch at home. Or better yet, watch all those local TV shows that wouldn't need brain cells (kkk) -just for one day but I'm not gonna resort into watching teletubbies who only know how to say "hello" and "bye bye" .
Anyhow, my mom's going to be back here by February 2006. So, my dad and I might be spending christmas and new year with our other relatives. Well, it could be fun because it's a new deal for us to spend it with other people. But, I hope we could spend it with mom in London...which could be an impossible thing and it will take a miracle for it to happen. Mainly because all 3 of us have work that has different time frames a.k.a makes us work during holidays (huhuhuhu).
Oh well, it's new to me. Everything is...
Faith and I were talking at MSN messenger last Tuesday. She told me about leaving for Dubai next year. I told her that it would be impossible for me so I told her to expect me there 2-5 years from now...long wait.Hahaha but it's ok. I still got these applications for MA to work on, which is on a very tight schedule, gosh I missed sleeping straight without being conscious about an alarm clock ringing by my ears.
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