This is my very cute nephew Gavin- taken by my very talented cousin, Keith.
Seeing this picture made me realize something...Where the heck are my graduation pics?!
After my college graduation, my cousin took some snap shots of us while having lunch at this curry house at Greenbelt 1 called "Banana Leaf". Food is really delish- as in!
Paging Keithmark Dador, please send me the grad pics pweeese...T.T
Anyhow, my other roommate-Nadia Chkarat- left the unit just last night. Sad ofcourse, but a good because it's a big possibility that Gen can move in-just like what her mom wanted hehe. A big problem for me 'cuz she wanted to loan from me as an initial payment for the rent. I wanted to help but heck, she made a deal with me. If i pay her half of the rent, she would buy the Ipod!!! Sum kindda of X-deal or sumthin'. By the way, Ella is working at the same building as I am living right now.^^
Ofcourse, we managed to talk about a certain person which is really pathetic (ofcourse!) because I can't seem to move on from him. Heck, I was desperate to forget him, but now, it seems that I got really tired of being that desperate to move on and just let things happen. After all, what happened to us way way back seems to be this huge practical joke on us. We were both single, we both clicked, and yet, we are overlooking things like his preferrence and my future...confusing?! I know, I've been there....
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