Pagkatapos malaglag sa kinauupuan, mag-post tayo! Hehe
I was really not myself today because I had a "Series of Unfortunate Events"- and it's only the beggining. I was late for my class because my computer crashedwhile I was playing around Photoshop. When I got my computer rebooted, I can't get in my room for like 10 minutes, then when I got in, she was already there. Damn! Good thing she was forgiving (Haha).
Then, when Charmaign arrived, she had a computer problem so we looked into it (ala technician ang aura). When the "true" computer whiz came, I was about to go back to my seat, but heck, I fell but first! How embarrasing and funny at the same time. Oh well, alls well ends well.
Here are the things I got really involved to when I'm really bored to death.
My Aussie friend Jennifer Lambell
Jo on Cosmo
Maign on mph
Tet on Seventeen
Yolly on Glamour
Sheree on Allure
Ofcourse! I'm not gonna forget me.^^
Oh man! I'm getting fat everyday. I need to lose wait, inpronto!^^
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